I am a Professor in the English Department at Bronx Community College of The City University of New York, where I teach courses in 19th Century American literature, the short story, and writing.
I received my B. A. in English Literature from New York University, my M. A. in 19th Century American Literature at Queens College (CUNY) focusing on Herman Melville’s “Bartleby, the Scrivener” and my Ph.D. in 19th Century American Literature with a focus on Edgar A. Poe.
I am the author of How to Write about Edgar Allan Poe published by Chelsea House in 2007 and reissued in 2017. Among many other topics, I have published widely on Poe’s murder mysteries in peer-reviewed journals and at academic conferences. For general audiences, I have made a number of presentations on the mysteries, including a TEDx talk, “Poe’s Darkest Secret: He Was Kidding,” at Bergen Community College, and talks at the Poe Room at New York University. I contribute frequently to my Goodreads blog and the Macmillan blog criminalelement.com, where in addition to reviews and other commentary I post on Poe’s mysteries and sundry hoaxes.
Check out some recent posts:
“Poe ho ho: Some Jolly Reads for the Holidays.” December, 2021. https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1291286.Susan_Amper/blog?page=2
The MacMillan blogs:
“Sleuthing out a Solution: Edgar A. Poe and His Crypto-Mysteries.” October, 2020. https://www.criminalelement.com/sleuthing-out-a-solution-edgar-allan-poe-and-his-crypto-mysteries/
“‘The Purloined Letter’: Mystery Solved.” January, 2019. https://www.criminalelement.com/the-purloined-letter-mystery-solved/
“The Real Poe Still Buried: Reviewing PBS’s Buried Alive.” November, 2017. https://www.criminalelement.com/the-poe-myth-still-buried-reviewing-pbss-buried-alive/
“Behind Poe’s Mask: Tricks That Are Treats.” October, 2017. https://www.criminalelement.com/behind-poes-mask-tricks-that-are-treats/
“Poe’s ‘Tell-Tale Heart’: Why Are These Men Laughing?” January, 2017. https://www.criminalelement.com/poes-tell-tale-heart-why-are-these-men-laughing/
“The World’s First Murder Mystery: A Birthday Present from Edgar A. Poe.” January, 2016. https://www.criminalelement.com/the-worlds-first-murder-mystery-a-birthday-present-from-edgar-allan-poe-the-assignation-lord-byron/
“166 Years after his Death: Test Your Poe IQ.” October, 2015. https://www.criminalelement.com/edgar-allan-poe-death-anniversary-test-poe-q-true-false-fact-or-fiction-hoax-susan-amper/
“Happy Birthday, Edgar Allan Poe: Dominated by Humor, Not Terror.” January, 2014. https://www.criminalelement.com/happy-birthday-edgar-allan-poe-dominated-by-humor-not-terror-susan-amper-hall-of-famers-detective-historical/
“Poe in Boston: Perpetuating a Misconception.” January, 2012. https://www.criminalelement.com/poe-in-boston-perpetuating-a-misconception/
“Happy Birthday Edgar Allan Poe: ‘Thou Art the Man.’” January, 2012. https://www.criminalelement.com/page/3/?s=edgar+a.+poe
“The Death of Edgar A. Poe: ‘A Tissue of Malevolent Blasphemies.’” October, 2012. https://www.criminalelement.com/the-death-of-edgar-allan-poe-a-tissue-of-malevolent-blasphemies-traditional-detective-thriller-hall-of-famers/
“Poe: Toast of Gotham.” April, 2011. https://www.criminalelement.com/poe-toast-of-gotham/
Additional Poe blog posts at criminalelement.com

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